What Questions Should I Ask When Searching For An Estate Planning Attorney?

By asking these questions, you can gauge an estate planning attorney’s expertise, approach, and compatibility to find the best fit for your needs and goals. Experience and Specialization: Credentials and Education: Approach and Strategy: Communication and Availability: Fees and Billing: Client References and Testimonials: Updates and Reviews: Collaborative Approach: Legal Knowledge and Expertise: Client-Centered Approach:

What Happens If Each Spouse Makes Their Own Estate Plan?

In Massachusetts, when spouses make different estate plans, it can lead to various legal and practical considerations. Here’s what typically happens: In conclusion, when spouses make different estate plans in Massachusetts, it underscores the importance of communication, understanding legal rights, and seeking professional guidance. By addressing any differences proactively and keeping their plans updated, spouses… Read More »

How Do I Fufill My Duties As A Personal Representative in Massachusetts?

Being named the personal representative (also called an executor) of an estate in Massachusetts is both an honor and a responsibility. It means someone has entrusted you with the important task of managing their affairs after they pass away. While it can be daunting, understanding your duties and responsibilities as a personal representative can help… Read More »