Are Wills Public Record in Massachusetts?

In Massachusetts, the privacy of one’s last wishes and estate distribution is a significant concern for many individuals. Understanding whether wills are public record is crucial for anyone planning their estate or navigating the aftermath of a loved one’s passing. In Massachusetts, wills generally become public records after they are filed with the probate court… Read More »

What Happens To My Digital Assets in Massachusetts When I Die?

Managing digital assets has become as crucial as handling physical and financial assets in our increasingly digital world. These assets, from social media accounts to cryptocurrency, need careful consideration in estate planning. Understanding what happens to your digital assets when you die in Massachusetts and how to protect them can ensure your digital legacy is… Read More »

What Is Long-Term Care Insurance?

Long-term care insurance (LTCI) is a specialized policy designed to reimburse policyholders a set daily amount for services associated with long-term care services. As individuals age or face chronic illnesses, they may require various types of care that standard health insurance and Medicare do not cover. LTCI can provide financial assistance for these services, offering… Read More »