Sarah Krueger
When you first meet Sarah, one immediately notices how warm and personable she is. For this reason, it is not surprising that she is an extrovert who loves meeting and talking to people. As O’Connell Law’s MetLife Intake Specialist, she takes great pride in helping clients navigate their MetLife insurance coverage and supporting them during the initial stages of working with O’Connell Law. Sarah has spent close to 30 years in the Fitness Industry and takes her passion of working closely with people and helping them very seriously. It’s this same passion and drive that she brought to O’Connell Law and helps her thrive as the MetLife Intake Specialist.
Sarah is a lifelong resident of Massachusetts and now lives in Hudson with her husband and son. When she is not working, she enjoys an active lifestyle of hiking, biking, yoga and strength training. She also loves watching football and movies with her family.