What you need to consider about new longevity numbers: Most people in the Baby Boomer generation are already confronting the possibility that they could live longer than they expected. This can raise a lot of questions about what it means to truly plan for your future, and whether or not you have enough assets set… Read More »
Posts Categorized: Medicaid
Medicare, MassHealth, And Planning For Long-Term Care

Many people are confused about the difference between Medicare and MassHealth as it pertains to the challenge of paying for expensive long-term care. This is not surprising. The two programs sound similar and both provide for medical care. Let’s start with a brief definition of each program. Medicare is an entitlement program. Everyone who reaches… Read More »
Bill’s Blog: “I made it to the Supreme Judicial Court!”
The public doesn’t realize that only a small percentage of attorneys regularly appear in court. Still fewer ever appear before their state supreme courts. For a good part of my career I did appear quite regularly in courts, but only irregularly in the Appellate Court of Massachusetts, once in a Federal Appeals Court, but never… Read More »
Tips for Managing Finances During Your Golden Years
Ensuring that you have the appropriate assets set aside for your retirement is not just about caring for the day-to-day expenses or paying off your mortgage. It is also critical to think carefully about end of life care. It is not always easy to answer the pertinent questions surrounding quality end-of-life care but it is… Read More »
Most Federal Employees Aren’t Prepared for Long-Term Care Costs
Even though most senior citizens will eventually need some kind of extended care, only 3 out of every 10 federal employees have considered a plan for covering long-term care costs. This according to a new study conducted by Government Executive magazine. In fact, a full quarter of federal employees over 45 say they would currently… Read More »
A Basic Breakdown of Medicaid for Massachusetts
We talk a lot about elder law, elder care, and Medicaid on this website, and for many of our readers, those terms are part of everyday life. What if you’re a newcomer to the world of Medicaid, though? Or maybe you’re a family member trying to learn a little more so you can help an… Read More »
Applying For Medicaid Can Be Tough
Medicaid is an essential part of healthcare and life planning for America’s elderly, but getting signed up is vastly more complicated than most first-timers anticipate. That’s true whether you’re applying for yourself or for an aging parent. View image | gettyimages.com Of course, those who’ve dealt with government applications in the past are probably unsurprised… Read More »
Medicare pays for the first 90 days of hospitalization for a single benefit period (either a single hospitalization or a series of hospitalizations for the same illness). 42 U.S.C. §1395d. Medicare beneficiaries are entitled to an additional 60 “lifetime reserve” days which can be used only once in a lifetime to cover any additional days…. Read More »