Reasons to Use a Memorandum of Trust

If you’ve chosen to create a revocable living trust as part of your estate plan, this affords a great deal of privacy, which can be amplified by creating a memorandum of trust. This memorandum is a synopsis of the entire trust document which allows assets to be transferred inside the trust while also preserving the… Read More »

What Does it Mean to Fund a Trust?

If you’re reading this article, it’s because you already know that a trust can be a great tool for accomplishing the transfer of assets and supporting your estate plan. But setting up the trust in and of itself is only the first step- your trust can only execute your goals if it’s properly funded. A… Read More »

What Role Does a Testamentary Trust Play in Medicaid Benefits?

Putting together various estate planning tools for the purpose of passing on assets to future generations is wise but thing can become increasingly complicated when it comes to managing these concerns surrounding Medicaid. Medicaid has very state specific rules that could potentially change over the course of time if you don’t have the right estate… Read More »

When Celebrities Get It Right: An Important Estate Planning Lesson from Burt Reynolds

Unfortunately, far too many celebrity estate planning mistakes were completely avoidable but became a matter of public record due to the way in which the celebrity planned or failed to plan for their future. Amy Winehouse, Prince, and Aretha Franklin are just a few examples of unfortunate estate planning failures. However, when Burt Reynolds passed… Read More »